100 SUITS for 100 Men was founded in 2011 by Mr. Kevin Livingston who wanted to create a program to address the needs of underprivileged men and women in need of business attire in the New York City area.

In 2015, 100 SUITS obtained its 501 (c)(3) non-profit status. Their core service is to provide free business attire to men and women who are in the job search process. By being able to wear appropriate attire to their interviews, these men and women are better equipped to achieve gainful employment, which will ultimately help them to transition into mainstream society and live more productive lives. Through this program, we also provide free haircuts for men and where needed, wig/salon referrals for women.

“The mission of 100 Suits for 100 Men is to help underprivileged men and women improve their role in society, build dignity and self-esteem, foster self-sufficiency, dispel stereotypes, and promote community involvement in order to build each other up.” says Livingston. This organization has grown to include programs that address more than a suit. 100 Suits addresses socioeconomic issues as well as injustice issues with its community involvement and activism, making positive changes in the lives of men and women in the New York City area. These solutions help those individuals get to a place of economic freedom help to reduce recidivism rates. Like many non-profit organizations, 100 SUITS has pivoted and in addition to their core mission and vision, added a specific
COVID-19 response for our communities.
100 SUITS COVID-19 response:
Total Grant Amount 100 SUITS: $20,000
Food and PPE in our Communities - $5,000
100 SUITS Senior Meal Program:
Each week, 100 SUITS is on the front lines providing approximately 200 home deliveries to seniors citizens who are shut in there house holds in Queens NY and other boroughs. Our groceries consist of Milk, eggs, fresh vegetables, frozen dinners, canned soups, pasta, nuts and an assortment of fresh fruit. we also provide each senior with a surgical mask every week.
Criminalized / Incarcerated populations and Re-entry support - $10,000:
Rikers Island PPE, 100 SUITS has provided 600+ surgical masks and face shields to men and women recently released from Rikers Island. (And will continue to do so.)
Provide curriculum based programs on Rikers Island.
Provide weekly groceries for individuals while transitioning during re-entry
Provide re-entry resources by virtual meetings and case management to men and women weekly
Provide casual clothing to Hotels and other venues where formerly incarcerated individuals are released to in Elmhurst Queens and surrounding areas.
Staff and hire a minimum of five individuals recently released from Rikers Island to run their senior delivery program. In continuation of this program 100 SUITS is currently supporting 40 men who are currently incarcerated on Rikers Island with another 30 to 40 who are on post release. This amount can vary due to the COVID response by the city.
Employment - $1,000:
100 SUITS will provide drop off suit services for men and women for job interviews in person or via virtual job interviews via ZOOM, Skype, etc. 100 SUITS will service approximately 150 individuals per month.
Education - $4,000:
100 SUITS administration of children services:
Provide mentoring / group sessions with pre-teen and teenage boys in the children center. Each week varies in the amount of participants served, however, it can be from 5 to 15 per week.
To learn more and support, please visit: http://100suits.org/