Minneapolis police recently apologized after delays in arresting John Herbert Sawchak, a white neighbor accused of shooting Davis Moturi, a Black man, after numerous reports of racial harassment were allegedly disregarded. Moturi, 34, was seriously injured with a fractured spine, broken ribs, and a concussion after Sawchak shot him while he was working in his yard. Police had previously obtained warrants to arrest Sawchak for harassment, vandalism, and threats but reportedly failed to capture him, citing difficulties in tracking him down. Police Chief Brian O’Hara admitted, “We failed this victim 100%,” acknowledging the department’s shortcomings and apologizing directly to Moturi.
Sawchak had been the subject of 19 police complaints by Moturi and his wife since they bought their home in 2023, alleging racist slurs, threats, and property destruction. Despite multiple warrants, Sawchak, described as a “recluse” by police, evaded capture until after the shooting. Authorities cited Sawchak’s mental illness, firearm possession, and departmental understaffing as obstacles to making a quicker arrest.
On the evening of the shooting, Sawchak allegedly fired from an upstairs window, striking Moturi as he pruned a tree near the property line. Prosecutors later charged Sawchak with attempted murder, assault, harassment, and stalking, explicitly labeling the attack as racially motivated. Sawchak was finally apprehended early Monday after a tactical team surrounded his residence for hours, eventually prompting his surrender.
The police’s delayed response sparked criticism, with local officials condemning the lack of action. State Senator Omar Fateh criticized the decision to avoid an immediate arrest, noting the disparity in police responses in cases involving Black suspects. “We must hold [the police] accountable and ensure our public safety policies prioritize community wellbeing over convenience,” he stated.
Moturi was discharged from the hospital, and Sawchak’s first court appearance is scheduled for November 8.
Link: The Guardian