Eniola Shokunbi, a student with presidential ambitions, is already making a significant impact in her local community by championing health and safety initiatives in schools. State Senator Matt Lesser praised her leadership, saying, “Eniola is fabulous. She wows every room she’s in front of. She’s a real rock star.”
In fifth grade, Shokunbi spearheaded the creation of an affordable air filter system capable of removing cold and COVID viruses from classrooms. “The air goes through all the sides, and it comes out of the top, so it filters in and out,” she explained. This innovation was built by Shokunbi and her classmates at the Commodore MacDonough STEM Academy in Middletown, in collaboration with scientists and the University of Connecticut.
The filters, made with a box fan, four furnace filters, duct tape, and cardboard, cost just $60 to produce and were tested by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in North Carolina. Shokunbi highlighted the system’s success, stating, “It showed that the air filter took out over 99% of viruses in the air. And that it was effective.”
Shokunbi’s advocacy reached a new milestone on Tuesday when she was present as the State Bond Commission unanimously approved $11.5 million for the construction and installation of these filters in schools across Connecticut. The funds will support UConn’s Supplemental Air Filtration for Education Program.
Shokunbi emphasized the importance of investing in science, saying, “A lot of people, they don’t realize sometimes, that the only thing standing between them and getting sick is science. If we’re not investing in that, then we’re not investing in the kids’ future.”
Her ultimate goal is to see these filters in every classroom across the country. “I want them to go to school knowing that they’re safe, that they’re healthy, that they can learn,” she said. Reflecting on the impact, Shokunbi added, “I really love explaining to people and seeing their faces, seeing them realize that this could change so many lives.”
Link: NBC Connecticut