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Our Books Are Weapons Initiative

Kaepernick Publishing works to amplify the power, platform, and agency of all Black and Brown people, including our incarcerated siblings. In this spirit, for every hardcover copy of this book that is sold -- up to 10,000 copies -- we will donate one not-for-sale paperback copy of the book to be distributed to those incarcerated across the United States. Our decision to donate a paperback version of this book reflects the tragic fact that hardcovers are often classified as weapons by prison administrators and therefore actively prevented from reaching those on the inside.

Prisons are marked by the interlocking violences of deprivation--of liberty, movement, bodily integrity, health, well-being, and, in this case, knowledge. As one of the building blocks of self-preservation and liberation, knowledge is an important weapon in the arsenal of self-determination and freedom. For this reason, we are committed to getting Abolition for the People into the hands of as many people who are incarcerated as possible.

In addition, Colin Kaepernick and Kaepernick Publishing will donate 100 percent of their profits from the sale of this book to Know Your Rights Camp, a non-profit organization founded by Kaepernick to advance the liberation and well-being of Black and Brown communities. Our hope is that along with the book itself, this donation may serve as another resource for building a future that centers the well-being of all Black and Brown communities.


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